Postpartum Depression-response


In response to the article “Postpartum Depression” from 9-16-06, I feel that after delivering the baby, a new mother must have a psych assessment done before going home with her baby and maybe they should have a home health nurse or some sort of social worker check in with the new mother at 1-2 weeks postpartum. I feel that these mothers such as Andrea Yates, sometimes claim postpartum depression as a cover up for something they definitely know they did wrong. I do agree that some mothers may have some depression after giving birth because of the hormone levels changing, but I do not believe they don’t know what they are doing at the time, such as murdering their children or drowning them. They sure know enough to be able to tell the police “I was crazy at the time and depressed.” So then they go for the “not guilty by reason of insanity” plea. I believe most of it is to get attention. Most of them also have no remorse.
